
Testy antygenowe Faecal Dx

Interpretacja wyników testu i kolejne kroki.

Badanie ogólnego stanu zdrowia

Bez względu na to, czy wynik jest dodatni czy ujemny, algorytm ten może podpowiedzieć kolejne kroki na podstawie wyników testu antygenowego Faecal Dx pacjenta.

Leczenie chorych zwierząt

Zalecenia dotyczące dalszych badań będą różne w zależności od czasu trwania i nasilenia biegunki oraz stanu zdrowia i nawyków żywieniowych danego zwierzęcia.

Interpretacja wyników dla „zdrowych” psów i kotów.

Ten algorytm może pomóc poprowadzić Cię przez kolejne kroki podczas analizy wyników testu antygenowego Faecal Dx pacjenta.

What to do next?
Antigen-positive results
Explore compound efficacy, whether treatment frequency is adequate and anthelmintic resistance as a possible cause; initially retreat.
Review risk factors, and discuss compliance, whether the owner remembers treatments and can administer them effectively.
Retest within 2 weeks by antigen testing.
Discuss the current preventative program and reinforce compliance by emphasizing the current success of the program.

Evaluate current risk factors for exposure and zoonotic risk, and reinforce year-round protection.
ESCCAP recommendations: Faecal examinations at least 1–2 times per year.
Administer year-round, broad-spectrum parasite control with efficacy against heartworm, intestinal parasites, fleas and ticks
Antigen-negative results

Algorytm do badania przesiewowego kału u chorych psów i kotów.

Ten algorytm pomaga wykluczyć choroby zakaźne poprzez rozróżnianie ostrej biegunki bez powikłań (łagodny przebieg) oraz ostrej ciężkiej/przewlekłej biegunki dzięki odpowiednim testom.

If poor response to therapy, evaluate for coinfections
Hemorrhagic Diarrhoea RealPCR Panel with Faecal Dx Antigen Profile
Non-bloody diarrhoea
Bloody diarrhoea
If negative or if diarrhoea persists despite targeted therapy, evaluate for primary or concurrent noninfectious causes. Consider:
• Dietary trials (high fibre or novel protein/hypoallergenic)
• Cobalamin (vitamin B12), folate, TLI, Spec cPL Test, cortisol
• Microbiota Dysbiosis Index
• Abdominal ultrasound
• Endoscopic or surgical intestinal biopsies
Diarrhoea Profile C/E with add-on RealPCR Diarrhoea Panel Plus 2 and add-on Faecal Dx Antigen Profile
SNAP Parvo Test
Acute severe/chronic diarrhoea
• Clinically sick dog (lethargy, inappetance)
• Severe or hemorrhagic diarrhoea
• Recurrent or persistent diarrhoea
• Multiple animals affected
Positive on antigen immunoassay testing or faecal flotation
Treat with targeted therapy
Trial treatment with broad-spectrum dewormer
Negative on both
If diarrhoea persists > 24 hours
Faecal Dx Antigen Profile Plus Giardia including flotation
Diarrhoea Profile C/E with add-on RealPCR
 Diarrhoea Panel Plus 2
Acute uncomplicated (mild) diarrhoea
• Otherwise clinically healthy and bright, alert and responsive (BAR)
• Mild diarrhoea < 24 hours in duration
• Only one dog affected
• May have history of dietary indiscretion or recent diet change
History, clinical signs, physical examination
• Collect faecal samples prior to treatment.
• Obtain minimum database (full blood count [FBC], chemistry panel with IDEXX SDMA Test, and complete urinalysis) as appropriate.
• Begin supportive therapy as indicated while waiting for diagnostic results.
Dog with diarrhoea